My family had a black lab 20 years ago that developed boils on her rump. Just small bumps that were not really noticeable until they burst one morning and she was covered in blood all over her back. I had just moved out of the family home and the dog remained with my parents who had no clue as to how she developed the bumps or why they caused blood filled boils.
I was notified of the situation by a frantic phone call from my mother who reported to me that the dog was bleeding to death and wanted me to get there right away. I arrived to find a healthy dog that needed a bath and someone to check where the blood was coming from. After cleaning up the dog and my dad popping his head in the bathroom at one point to suggest a few
acne solutions for the problem, at which I told him politely that THAT was not the problem, I checked the dog and found that the boils had sealed back over and were now clean.
After that unknown episode of boils, the dog never had them again. Her skin healed up nicely and she died of old age a few years after that.