May 21, 2011

My dogs like to watch birds

No they are not bird dogs but they do like to watch birds in flight. One of my dogs even barks at the ducks and geese that fly overhead. The smaller dog likes to chase robins on the lawn until they fly. They both seem to like it when the birds are in the air.

We don't have any bird baths in our back yard but we do have a seasonal creek that attracts ducks.

May 10, 2011

The Rachael Ray dog food

This post brought to you by Nutrish. All opinions are 100% mine.

When ever someone offers me something free to try out I often jump at the chance, especially if that offer is something for my dog. I was recently offered a free sample of the Rachael Ray dog food called "Just 6" to try. When I got the box in the mail all I was expecting was a bag of dog food but when I opened the box........

As you can see, it was more than just a bag of dog food - I got a stainless steel bowl with it too!!

I opened the package up, all the way to see what I had gotten and saw the real size of the bag, not bad for a freebie.

The dog food is called "Just 6" because it boasts just 6 ingredients. After looking at the actual ingredients listed on  the bag, I can tell you that there is much more than just 6. Of course the main ingredient is lamb and the next one is rice.  That sure does beat many of the high priced premium brands dog foods on the market today. What came as the next test of the Rachael Ray Nutrish just 6 dry dog food was taste. Would my little guy like it?

He sure did. If you pardon the pun, he woofed it down.



If you click on the link above, you too can get a free sample of this dog food made by Nutrish and see if your dog likes it as much as mine does.


Visit Sponsor's Site

May 4, 2011

Protect your dog from electrocution

Some adult dogs love to chew, almost every puppy does, so keep them safe if they do. Most of the time they pick on your favorite shoes to rip to shreds but occasionally they pick something that could be very dangerous, electric cords.

Do your best to hide or prevent access to cables and wires that have a live electric current in them. Use cable covers or keep the cable or cord up and out of the reach of your dog/pup. Once they have grown out of the chewing stage of their lives they will usually ignore cords, cables and wire within their reach.