May 21, 2013

A new puppy

The last 2 weeks has been a dog owners nightmare for me.

My little buddy, for whom I have had for 9 years got killed. It was a freak accident. He startled a wild animal in the dark and there were probably more than one. I heard the commotion and a small "yip." I was inside a shed and did not see what happened. Found him next morning with evidence that he was probably stomped on by a deer.

Of course I was devastated. He was my little shadow who followed me every where. I would cry at a drop of a hat. I was especially affected when I would come see he would greet me before I even got in the house, before anyone else, which was great on those days when I had a terrible day at work.

I decided about 4 days after his death that I had to get another dog to replace him right away. Doing that would take my mind off of mourning him. He was gone and not coming back but I felt so lonely.

Almost exactly a week after his death someone needed to find a home for an Italian greyhound puppy. We texted each other then I met the pup. He was small and not a young pup but a lively 6 month old. It was love at first sight.

Duke was welcomed into my home.

Now comes the time to arrange for shots, neutering and house breaking. He already has an assortment of toys, came with his own bed but I might do a few changes around the house for him. I was thinking about installing a dog door. Someone told me to put a bell on his collar so I could find him. I laughed at the thought until today when I have accidentally stepped on his toes 3 times while trying to make dinner. He has not learned to stay away from feet.

Life with a new dog in the house............let the fun begin.