You remember a few years back when a dog was in the news for destroying some New York Yankees tickets? I also remember another dog in the news for chewing up a Super Bowl ticket. Now I wonder how those dogs managed to get on the news when I am sure that there are many dog owners that have had an expensive item destroyed by their dog. We have a dog that when she was an older puppy found out where the tool shed was at an promptly destroyed several expensive tools by chewing on the handles. Of course she was not on the nightly news because of it.
Destructive chewing is not always caused by boredom in dogs. Some dogs just like to chew, that is why there is a whole industry devoted to dog chew toys and rawhide chew products.
Don't beat yourself up because your dog destroyed your item, just get them something to chew on other then your stuff and keep your stuff out of their reach.