March 17, 2009

Oldest dog alive today

At 21 years old, here is a video of the world's oldest dog alive.


TrishaRitchieNC said...

What a sweet doggie! I always wonder, though, how do they KNOW this is the oldest dog alive? Maybe there's one in Irktusk that is 22 years old. Anyway, I hope she lives a long, long time.

Jan said...

I'm with you on that one. Some old lady might own a dog that she forgot was born over 20+ years ago. I wonder if word got out on the major TV new if anyone would dispute it?

Theresa said...

What a lovely story. Thanks for posting that.

Anonymous said...

They're wrong in saying that it's the oldest dog alive; my friend had a dog that was 24 years old when he had her put down a few weeks ago.

Jan said...

Well if your friends dog was older then they had better contact the local news media. There is money to be made with owning the worlds oldest dog.