Fleas become more active when it starts to get warmer and drier. I live in the Pacific Northwest so our flea season doesn't start until the rainy season is over with. Fleas don't like moisture so a wet lawn and damp or wet cement around your home will help control the flea population from entering your home on your clothing.
For dogs it is a simple matter of using some sort of flea control to keep the fleas at bay for the warm months. I use Advantage spot on flea control.
Advantage comes color coded for the weight of the dog it is used on. Green Advantage is for dogs 10 lbs and under. Teal Advantage is for dogs 11-20 lbs. Red Advantage is for dogs 21-55 lbs. Blue Advantage is for dogs 55-100 lbs.
You can often find Advantage on eBay at discount prices but watch out for counterfeits.
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