October 21, 2010

Poor quality dog foods

If you are having a problem with finding a dry dog food for your dog that lacks any real nutrition for your dog, you are not alone. Sure the main ingredient might be meat, but what kind of meat? Meat can mean anything from chicken to pork and even deer meat. When you have those elusive words "by products" in the list you can add animal hides, bones and internal organs. Next comes those "filler" products. They might be listed first on the dry dog food ingredient list and include wheat, corn, rice, or another type of grain. What most people do not know is that some dogs have allergies to grains. Wheat is often the culprit for "hot spot" allergies. After the meat and filler products on the list are all those vitamins and preservatives. If the product claims to be high in protein then you might see soy or protein powder on the list. The protein powder might be made out of animal bones, soy or even sea shells.

As you can see, dog food can contain some very dubious ingredients at best.  You need to shop around and read those labels on the dog food bags.

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