I do believe that the current anti feeding your dog anything but commercial dog food is a conspiracy concocted by dog food makers. The look of horror on people's faces when someone mentions they feed their dog leftovers or even cook for their dogs is a tell all of the current opinion regarding what to feed your dog.
Dogs have survived for centuries living off of table scraps. In fact dogs where invited into large homes and castles to act as a clean-up crew for the dinning areas. They "vacuumed" up the food under the dinning tables. So what has changed?
With today's "modern" living comes carpets and less dramatic dinning experiences. We don't toss food on the floor as much as our forefathers did. Our dogs are expected to have manners like we do and we even teach them not to "beg."
Unfortunately, feeding convenient dry and canned dog foods has led to overweight dogs with health problems. We are now forced to either put our dogs on a diet or find weight loss pills for them, yes they make diet pills for dogs. Couple that with questionable ingredients that some dogs are allergic to and now you have health problems from skin rashes and hives to lumps and hair loss.
Feeding tables scraps does not sound that bad after alll, does it?
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