Like most animals, female dogs are prone to coming into heat when the weather changes. Mother Nature dictates that young animals should be born when the weather is better, for them to grow and develop. That being said, it is also the season for backyard breeders to swamp the local classifieds with ads for puppies.
It use to be a case that the mixed breed pups were given away free or became easter gifts under $30 but nowadays they are touted as a special "cross" like a cocker-poo or a chi-shep and the "breeder" wants $300 or more for the pups. What the buyers don't realize is that the pups that don't sell end up at the local pound at 6 months old because the breeder has either violated the number of dogs per household or the dogs were abandoned someplace because the breeder couldn't sell them.
Don't fall for that cute designer pup unless it is free and in need of a good home - yours. By paying for a pup that was just developed to make money encourages the breeder to do it again....and again.....and again.
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