November 16, 2011

Do you clip your long haired dog?

Years ago when I owned Chow Chows I use to give them a body clip in the summer. My main reason was to keep down the grooming maintenance for me and be able to have better control over their flea population. This was the time before spot-on flea treatments. Our next breeds of dogs were all short hair so I didn't have to worry about clipping them.

I was in a local Pet Supplies store and happen to notice a woman with a body clipped Pomeranian. We got to talking and I asked her why her little dog was clipped. I had mentioned that I use to clip my Chows in the summer but this was going into winter. She lived on a farm and most of the area around the house got very muddy. Clipping her little dog made it easier to keep the dog clean when the mud got on his legs and belly.

So, do you have any interesting reasons why you have your dog body clipped?

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