December 13, 2011

Flea problem in the winter

For those of you that think that flea problems with dogs end when the summer is over then your flea problems are just beginning.

The heated home in the winter months is a haven for hatching out flea eggs. The rooms are warm and dry, just what a flea needs and wants to survive and propagate. One of the best ways to control fleas is to kill them while on the dog. There are 2 major spot-on flea products, Advantage and Frontline Plus. I have used Advantage in the past with great success, but I never tried Frontline Plus. The major reason I used Advantage over Frontline was the cost. That has got to be the major reason why I don't use a spot-on flea product year round. There is probably an advantage to my dog's health from not having his skin covered in pesticides 100% of the time.

If you want to find out more about the flea life cycle than check out this page from Ohio State - flea facts

The page has some really fascinating facts to ponder. For example, did you know that cats and dogs have different fleas? Adult fleas can live up to one year without eating (blood).

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