September 25, 2009

Can dogs get human ailments?

That question is more common than you think? Can they catch human colds? No. Can they catch HIV? Not likely, no. Can they get diseases from the environment that both humans and dogs are exposed to? Yes. In fact there can be environmental causes of many cancers that both dogs and humans get. Eating contaminated foods or breathing particle laden air can cause cancer, kidney failure or even death.

If a dog is exposed to asbestos, just like a human, that dog can get malignant Mesothelioma. It is just that a vet might not know that the dog was exposed. Treatment would be delayed and the dog would die of what the owner might think is natural causes. Exposure to contaminated soil could also be a cause of toxic poisoning. A dog or cat walking in a vacant lot might walk through some duped chemicals and lick their paws thus ingesting the chemical. It could then cause kidney damage or a whole range of symptoms.

To answer the title of the blog post "can dogs get human ailments?" It is a loaded question. The short answer is no but the longer answer is yes.

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