March 16, 2013

Are you traveling safely with your dog in the car?

Just the other day I saw someone driving with a small dog on their lap. The little dog was trying to stick its head out of the driver's side window. The owner seemed oblivious to the dangers that the dog was putting into that ride. All it would take is just an instance of the dog getting in the way of maneuver of the steering wheel or distracting the driver at the wrong time for an accident to ruin everyone's day. You can forget about paying for cheap auto insurance for a few years until that accident goes off your record.

Here are a few safety tips for traveling with your dog in your car
  • Use a dog harness designed and made to connect to the seat belt system of your car.
  • Keep your dog away from the driver.
  • If you have a window locking system in your car use it. That will prevent you dog from opening a window without your knowledge and trying to jump out.
  • Look for insurance companies that cover your dog the next time you compare car insurance rates
  • Check the local ordinances of the places you are traveling through regarding dogs in cars.
  • If you use a crate to keep your dog in during the trip, anchor the crate to prevent it from moving around. Should the car experience a sudden stop or get rear ended the a loose crate with a dog inside could go through a window or hit an occupant in the car.
  • Think about what would happen to your dog if you were in a car accident. If you are taken to the hospital - where would they take your dog?
Those are just a few tips. I am sure that you, a dog owner, can think of more. Remember that the cheapest car insurance does not always cover your dog as an occupant if you are in an accident