April 27, 2010

An upset tummy

Did you know that dogs can get upset stomachs just like humans do? You would not think they would considering some of the stuff I have seen dogs eat. Dogs will often have a very sensitive tummy after a medical procedure. Just like us humans, dogs should only eat bland foods like rice or cottage cheese when their stomach is upset.

I was doing a web search just a few days ago on other foods that are bland for a dog. After ignoring the spammy websites with colon cleanse reviews and off the wall uses for left over human pills I found that some of the websites I visited recommended all kinds of junk, including human medications for dogs. Someone was using Zantec on their dog while another was going to use some herbal mix for worms.

Please, I beg you, if your dog is having a medical problem, stay away from off the wall advice you find on the internet, listen to your vet instead.

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