July 28, 2009

Dog owners are not made of money

The products that I have seen made and marketed to dog owners have run the gambit from great to useless and everywhere in between. One of them that starts out as a great idea is the Dirty Dog Bath Tub (pictured below). It looks like a neat item - doesn't it? That is until you find out the price.

The price for the tub is $65!! Heck I'll stick to the bathtub or get one of those big tubs with the rope handles you can get for $9 or less at Walmart. Dog products should not cost and arm and a leg.

Now there are some really great products for dogs out there and one of them is the hip support brace, shown below.
Now that item is great for dogs that have hip problems and still need to get out and exercise. I wish dog product manufacturers would concentrate on inventing items that dog owners need and not try to make something that can be replaced by something else (like the dog bath).

1 comment:

CastoCreations said...

I love the hip brace idea. I've got two dogs who could use that. Neat.