July 15, 2010

Why aren't dogs treated the same in the USA s they are in Europe?

I was going to start off ranting about the comments I have been deleting from the blog in the last few days, still more people signing their comments with "best weight loss pill" or other such nonsense. I was going to do that until I saw something. I am sitting outside a Burger King, using their free wifi to blog about what I just saw. A dog left out side tied to a post while the owner pops into the store to get something. Dogs are not allowed in many places here in the USA and some states, cities and counties are even stricter about where a dog is allowed. It seems that the USA has a love hate relationship going on with the dog. They are admired in movies, people turn on their TV's to watch the Westminster Dog Show and yet they will not rent homes to dog owners or allow them into some parks, even if they are on a leash.

In Europe on the other hand dogs are given more rights and privileges.  Anyone want to chime in on this? What do you think?

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