April 6, 2012


Thanks for the article from Jermaine Haynes

Our German Short-haired Pointer recently passed away and I would like to get my parents another one. Even though they say that they don’t want another dog ( we had our last dog for fifteen years), I feel like they would enjoy one. I didn’t realize that there were a lot of German Short-hairs up for adoption. A lot of the dogs are used for bird hunting. Apparently  after the short-hairs are too old or not good at bird hunting anymore that they are put up for adoption. That makes me sad. I don’t know how you could just put a dog up for adoption, but I guess that people don’t look at these dogs like pets, but workers. Anyway, there are a lot of websites that are German Short-hair rescue sites. I have found a lot of really cute dogs that need a home. I am going to try and find one before Easter so that I can surprise my parents with one when I come home. I can’t wait!

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