June 5, 2010

Signs of poor health

Are you aware of when your dog might be having a health problem? I am not talking about immediate signs like refusing to eat,  panting heavily or collapsing but long term signs. Signs like quick weight loss over the course of a few weeks or hair thinning.Perhaps their fur is not as shinny or they are acting different. One person I knew had a dog that suddenly started to drool all over the place. She took the dog to the vet and the vet concluded that the dog had gotten into something toxic. After going through her home top to bottom she found the cause. She had switched her kitchen floor cleaner to a different brand and the dog was allergic to it. The dog's paws became irritated after walking on the floor so the dog would lick its' paws, that caused the drooling. If she had not taken notice of the drooling then the dog might have gotten worse. It pays to take notice of the signs your dog gives you of their health.

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