January 17, 2011

Do you love your dog but are highly allergic to it?

Allergies are not fun. I am allergic to cats and cleaning. I kid you not, most household chemical cleaners set off an asthma attack in me. Thankfully I am not allergic to dogs but we do have one house cat. I can understand the frustration of having a pet that you love dearly and have to be on guard for allergies.

What I have learned to do is when I touch an animal that I am allergic to (in my case cats) is that I must not touch my face with my hands until after I have washed them. If I touch my face before washing my hands it will start the first allergic reaction - watering eyes. After that comes the sneezing then the asthma attack if I am not careful.

Austin, an acquaintance I know, is highly allergic to his dog. The allergy treatment austin uses is Claritin along with herbal teas.

So how many of you are allergic to your dog? leave a comment, I would love to know.

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